We are in the process of buying a three year old gelding of the flat from Ireland to form a dual purpose syndicate for our owners. There will be 5 x 10% shares available ( five of our current owners have already signed up) . The training fees will be £200 per month all in for 10% . The share will be between £ 2-3,000 per 10 % share. If you would like to come and join the fun , then please get in touch. We have regular owners mornings. You can visit your horse anytime by prior arrangement, regular updates during the season on Whats Ap and Facebook. A chance to meet some like minded people. Also from 2020 we will be offering Self Catering B&B on the yard, with discounts for owners.
Photo for attention.
Please email giffordracing@outlook.com or call 07841 014173 and come and meet us.