So the rain came which is fantastic news for the paddocks , the grass will hopefully go crazy over the next few weeks and the racehorses will have plenty so they do well on their summer break. The farrier will be busy taking their shoes off and we slowly reduce the rugs they wear to rough them off.
It is going to be a strange summer because we always have young stock in from the sales to get started for the next season during the summer, but it looks like this may not happen this year. Its a strange time for everyone. We have just sold the Ocovango gelding AKA Bobby (stable name) which is great. A new owner for the yard and in the next few weeks he will be named. Its a pity no one can visit the horses at the moment but hopefully it wont be long. One of the first things we will be organising will be an owners morning for everyone to see there horses and have a good social with a few drinks and nibbles. I attach another photo taken by our friend and talented

photographer Michael Harris from our last owners gathering